Family Law

Family Law

Marriage and family law is one of our firm’s main specialities.

Do not allow the future of your children, your patrimony or your rights to be played with… having a good lawyer is very important when a sentence is going to regulate aspects of your life that will undoubtedly have a direct impact on your family and economic future.

Ask for advice from our lawyers specialised in Family Law.

  • Separation, divorce and annulment.
  • De facto couples.
  • Guardianship and custody of children. Regime of visits.
  • Use and enjoyment of the conjugal house.
  • Children’s pension and compensatory pension. Modification of measures.
  • Liquidation of community property.
  • Family mediation.
  • Incapacities, appointment of guardian.
  • Abandonment of minors.
  • Partial notebooks.
  • Paternity and filiation.
  • Express Divorce.
  • Abuse, gender violence.
  • Judicial Proceedings.
  • Interposition of demand.
  • Complete representation before Courts and Tribunals of any type.
  • Appeals before the same court that issues a resolution.
  • Appeals before higher courts.

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